Wakefield is a small town with a big heart. Located on Milford Lake only 20 minutes from I-70. We offer great K-12 schools with boys/girls basketball, track, volleyball, band, cheer, and flags. The community has a volunteer fire department, city pool, community center, library, museum, post office and local bank. There are many active, local community programs such as PRIDE, Scouts, 4-H, Dorcas, Ladies Auxiliary, VFW, Lions Club, and Neighbors N Need. Our annual Wakefield Birthday Bash in August is an event not to be missed. Come see our small town and all it has to offer!

949 Residents
8.347 in Clay County

Nearest Hospital-18.2 miles/Clay County Medical Center
Nearest Medical Professional or Clinic-18.2 miles
3 Religious Centers
Broadband providers
Twin Valley

$137,450 Median Home Price
$1,100/month Median Rental Price

3 Community Centers
3 Local Parks
1 Swimming Pool
1 Trail
1 Golf Course

Childcare & Schools
3 Childcare and Preschool options
1 Wakefield Elementary
1 Wakefield Middle School
1 Wakefield High School

Sales Tax 8.5%
Top 3 Employers
USD 379
Dollar General
Short Stop

Retail & Dining
1 Restaurant
1 Grocery Store
2 Retailers
2 Gas Stations

Distance to Regional Centers
Fort Riley: 20 miles
Junction City: 20 miles
Manhattan: 35 miles