The City of Chapman is a small community nestled in between Salina and Junction City, Kansas. The city is conveniently located along the Smoky Hill River and Old U.S. 40. Fort Riley and Manhattan are within a short 45 minute driving distance. With year-round community events and activities, it is evident that this small community of 1,400 residents is full of spirit. The City of Chapman has three parks, but many residents can be found spending summers at the local pool. Chapman is a great place for the whole family with one high school, one middle school, and four elementary schools located nearby.

1,361 Residents
19,303 in Dickinson County

Nearest Hospital 11 miles
Nearest Medical Professional or Clinic 11 miles
4 Religious Centers
Broadband providers
Eagle Communications
Twin Valley

$135,369 Median Home Price
$827/month Median Rental Price

6 Community Centers
2 Local Parks
1 Swimming Pool
1 Trail
1 Golf Course

Childcare & Schools
Numerous Childcare and Preschool options
4 Elementary
1 Middle School
1 High School

Sales Tax 9%
Top 3 Employers
City of Chapman
USD 473

Retail & Dining
4 Restaurants
2 Grocery Stores
16 Retailers
1 Gas Stations

Distance to Regional Centers
Fort Riley: 20 miles
Junction City: 15 miles
Manhattan: 32 miles